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What Does Culture Eat for Lunch?

If culture eats strategy for breakfast, perhaps the question in 2024 is What Does Culture Eat for Lunch? Could it be employee wellness initiatives, recognition programs or workplace flexibility?

Event Passed

Thanks for joining us in another informative Development Day

If culture eats strategy for breakfast, perhaps the question in 2024 is What Does Culture Eat for Lunch? Could it be employee wellness initiatives, recognition programs or workplace flexibility? Just as having a great strategy doesn’t guarantee organisational success if underpinned by a poor culture, many of these employee benefits won’t make a difference unless a business is built upon a solid cultural base.  

A strong and positive workplace culture remains crucial but can sometimes be elusive for organisations. In today’s hybrid work environment, managers and leaders need to ensure they have a handle on the levers. Join us for our first Development Day of the year, as we unpack culture through three engaging sessions with some of IML’s most respected facilitators, coaches and speakers. We’ll be exploring what really makes a great place to work in 2024, the impact of emotional contagion and how to build a healthy workplace culture.

Special Thanks

We want to say a big thank you also to our speakers Stuart Elliot, Paula Cunniffe and Chris Mosley.

Your free replays to the sessions are below. These are a great way to recap the insights our three experts provided and share the learnings with your colleagues and friends.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Development Day. If you would like to learn more about other helpful programs at IML ANZ click here.

Session Times

Session 1 - What makes a great place to work?

9.00am – 10.00am AEST | 10.00am - 11.00am AEDT | 12.00pm – 1.00pm NZDT
Stuart Elliot

We commence our Development Day with Stuart Elliot, Principal Consultant for Great Place To Work Australia and New Zealand. 

In this session, we’ll drill down to the fundamentals of culture in the workplace and answer the burning question: What makes a great place to work?   

We learn ‘How’ and ‘Why’ organisations become a great place to work and the critical role leadership plays in making this happen. Stuart will also share insights from some of Australia’s best workplaces and how your organisation can join that list. 

Session 2 - Taking a mindful approach toward a healthy workplace culture

10.30am – 11.30am AEST | 11.30am - 12.30pm AEDT | 1.30pm – 2.30pm NZDT
Paula Cunniffe MIML

Developing - and more importantly, maintaining - a positive and healthy workplace culture demands trust, consistency, and buy-in to create long-term positive outcomes.  

But what else does it need? 

Join us for session 2 of Development Day, where IML Leadership Development Facilitator and Coach, Paula Cunniffe MIML, will delve deeper into the topic of Culture. We will explore the word itself, and how we can use it as an aide to promote key pillars that embody a healthy workplace culture. Paula will also discuss what leaders need to focus on when implementing these culture pillars into their organisations.  

Session 3 - Emotional Contagion, create the contagion that can change a culture

12.00pm – 1.00pm AEST | 1.00pm - 2.00pm AEDT | 3.00pm – 4.00pm NZDT
Chris Morsley

In our final session for Development Day, Chris Morsley, Managing Partner at CMCGlobal will discuss the case for authenticity in leadership, and how to create emotional contagion that can change the culture of a workforce.  

Creating a positive culture is a complex undertaking and needs to be communicated clearly and be truly authentic for it to have an impact.  

For a great organisational culture, the core values of the business need to be infectious and seep deeply into the workplace. To succeed in this, leaders need to be charismatic and real, and communicate their message in a simple, but compelling way 

Join us as we explore emotional contagion, and how humanising your message on culture as a leader can change the hearts and minds of your workforce. 

Explore past Development Days

Get access to our previous development day recordings. Covering topics from the workplace of the future to the power of positive workplaces, there’s something interesting for everyone in our library of development day recordings.

Change can be hard; How can we make it less painful?
Watch recorded sessions to explore the critical link between work, mental health, and wellbeing in today’s evolving workplace.

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Please note during the holiday season our offices will be closed from the 22nd of December 2023 to the 2nd of January 2024.

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