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Seeing around corners

Catch up on recorded sessions from IML ANZ’s eighth Development Day: Seeing around corners.
Development Day: Seeing around corners

Event Passed

Thanks for joining us at another informative Development Day

We hope you enjoyed the presentations.

Reflecting on the popular quote from American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou that suggests “you can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been”, we hope this Development Day has helped you understand how to get the right balance between reflective activity, being in the moment and importantly, looking to the future.

Special Thanks

We would like to say a big thank you also to our speakers Reanna Browne, Dr Mark Deady and Grant Withrington.

Shift from being reactive to become proactive

The difference between resilience and adaptability has been likened to the difference between bouncing back and bouncing forward. While resilience has had a lot of attention during the pandemic, successful people and workplaces are catching onto the power of adaptability and the impact it has on positively shaping the post-pandemic landscape.

Adaptability can be broken into three equally important parts: cognitive flexibility or keeping an open mind, emotional flexibility, and finally remaining optimistic (and realistic) about your situation. Understanding each, and building knowledge and skills across these competencies will provide a strong foundation as circumstances change.

Your free replays to the sessions are below. These are a great way to recap on the insights provided by our three experts on defining new ways of working in 2023 and beyond.

Please feel free to share them with friends and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you at the next Development Day. If you would like to learn more about other helpful programs at IML ANZ click here.

Unlearning the Future: Practical strategies for the future of work

Facilitator: Reanna Browne

Reanna will challenge the audience on how to think and act like a futurist in an uncertain present. Reanna, a practicing futurist and HR expert, will do this by unlearning how we think about the future in order to unlock new ways to take action in the present. Reanna will reframe the way we think about the future and how leaders can leverage external change to disrupt short-termism and move from ‘either/or’ to ‘and/both’ thinking and transform the present.

Mental Health at Work: Building mentally healthy workplaces in trying times

Facilitator: Mark Deady

A discussion around the critical aspects of psychosocial risk factors at work, the changing terrain of workplace mental health, and the importance of addressing these concepts. This session also provides practical and evidence-based advice for improving personal and organisational wellbeing.

Skills for the Future: Helping humans to be more human

Facilitator: Grant Withrington

In this engaging and informative session, IML facilitator and presenter Grant Withrington will explore this development and focus on three fundamental competencies to focus on in the years ahead: self-awareness, connectivity, and empowerment.

Explore past Development Days

Get access to our previous Development Day recordings. Covering topics from the workplace of the future to the power of positive workplaces, there’s something interesting for everyone in our library of Development Day recordings.

Change can be hard; How can we make it less painful?
If culture eats strategy for breakfast, perhaps the question in 2024 is What Does Culture Eat for Lunch? Could it be employee wellness initiatives, recognition programs or workplace flexibility?

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Office Closure

Thank you for visiting our website.
Please note during the holiday season our offices will be closed from the 22nd of December 2023 to the 2nd of January 2024.

For all enquires please refer to the contact us section of the website.