Even Maslow realised that beyond self-actualisation was a higher need. One of self-transcendence or going beyond ourselves. This implies that personal development never truly completes its course until it affects those around us. However, is the reverse also true? What is the effect of a positive workplace on one’s ability to develop themselves?
Employees seek purpose
In designing an AI app for personalised career development, NextPlay.ai noted the desire of the current generation of workers. They don’t just want to turn up to work and get paid. They see their role, organisation and overall career as a source of purpose.
An essential but often overlooked component of workplace wellbeing is a positive work environment — one where employees feel emotionally and mentally safe, and colleagues engage in upbuilding interactions.
These same uplifting surroundings keep younger generations of employees connected with the purpose of their role. If they’re not distracted by stressors within the work environment, they are free to explore the deeper meaning behind their jobs.
Wellbeing equals high engagement
From physical, mental to emotional factors, there’s no denying that workplace wellbeing yields strong business results. Whether that’s through increased productivity, cost savings and lower staff turnover, it benefits organisations.
The most relevant aspect of workplace wellbeing to the development of an individual is that it impacts employee engagement. This engagement is a critical factor for those seeking to develop themselves.
In a study of outstanding performers in various fields (academics, sports, arts), one of the common development elements involved the interaction between personal and environmental factors. An individual developing talent needs not just to have the ability, but also persistence to continue even in the face of failure. Additionally, all of the efforts the individual puts in are for nothing without social and emotional support. That’s where the two factors of a positive environment and engagement meet to motivate individuals to develop their skills, knowledge and talent further.
Highly-engaged employees want development
A survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity found 54% of participants stated that the quality and availability of development affects their engagement. Therefore, fewer development options, less engagement. However, it is also those employees who have formed a significant connection with their role, organisation and purpose (highly-engaged) who seek further development opportunities.