On going it alone
7 Risks Every Entrepreneur Must Take, Jayson Demers, Entrepreneur.com
How to take smart risks as an entrepreneur, Forbes Magazine
Why entrepreneurs are the most risk-averse people on the planet, Paul B Brown, inc.com
On cybersecurity
2015 Global Cybersecurity Status Report, ISACA
Cybersecurity: The new business priority, PWC Consulting
SMEs and Cyber attacks: What you need to know. An infographic from Tower Insurance
What is social engineering? Webfoot
On risk management
The six mistakes executives make in risk management, Nassim Taleb, Daniel Goldstein, and Mark Spitznagel, Harvard Business Review
Addicted to risk, Naomi Klein, TED.com
Organizational strategy, business models, and risk management, a presentation by Professor David F Larcker, Center for Leadership Development & Research Stanford Graduate School of Business
On risk policy
Strategic Risk Policy, 2016, Australian Risk Policy Institute