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Category: Insight Edge

Read our latest insights, opinion pieces and advice. High quality content that is practical, relevant and at the leading-edge.
How to promote your organisation's brand as an Employer of Choice
November 25, 2024
In a competitive talent market, positioning your organisation as an Employer of Choice is crucial for attracting top-tier candidates. By enhancing both personal and organisational branding—through platforms like LinkedIn and strategic storytelling—you can build trust, showcase leadership, and stand out in the eyes of prospective employees.
Revisiting the Six Thinking Hats
November 27, 2016
Many people think from a rational, positive viewpoint; however they may fail to examine a problem from an emotional, intuitive, creative or negative viewpoint. The ‘hats’ are categories of behaviour and their purpose is to direct thinking. Encouraging people to adopt different hats means that they must adopt a perspective that is not necessarily their […]
From the Knowledge Centre
November 27, 2016
Articles Kahneman, D, Rosenfield, AM, Gandhi, L, & Blaser, T 2016, ‘NOISE: How to Overcome the High, Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making. (cover story)‘, Harvard Business Review, vol. 94, no. 10, pp. 38-46. Beshears, J, & Gino, F 2015, ‘Leaders as Decision Architects. (cover story)‘, Harvard Business Review, vol. 93, no. 5, pp. 51-62. […]
6 Simple steps to making good decisions
November 27, 2016
Perhaps one of the most important things to learn when trying to achieve big goals is how to make good decisions. If you endlessly procrastinate, or keep changing your mind, you will not only infuriate yourself, you will infuriate those around you and quickly lose their trust and respect. Gavin Patterson is the chief executive […]
Why international experience might be the competitive leadership edge you need
October 27, 2016
Executives with international experience are increasingly seen as a competitive advantage for the organisations they lead. International mobility is an important career goal for 63% of the Australian workforce, and for 89% of Australian millennials, according to two studies by PwC. We asked two AIM Members what their international leadership experiences have taught them about […]
Leading internationally capable organisations
October 27, 2016
This month Insight Edge is looking at the international dimensions of leadership. We live in a global village and operate in a global economy. eCommerce has made reaching international customers a norm, even for small and cottage-industry scale businesses. Asia’s growing middle classes are seen as the next big business opportunity. Brexit may fuel a greater […]
12 ways to make your trade mission work for your business
October 27, 2016
Every year thousands of businesses interact with customers and suppliers internationally on the platform of trade missions: international trips organised by business people and government representatives to discuss business issues and facilitate trade. Trade missions may be led by federal, state or regional representatives. They may be organised by industry associations or by specialist agencies […]
October 27, 2016
Ted Talks Understanding the rise of China, Martin Jacques Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise? The author of “When China Rules the World,” he examines why the West often puzzles over the growing power of the Chinese economy, and offers three building blocks for understanding […]

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