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Leading Edge: May introduction from John Withers CMgr FIML, Chair of the Board

Welcome to the May edition of Leading Edge.

Across Australia and New Zealand, we’re fortunate that we are starting to see hope as restrictions begin to ease at national, state and local levels. As we prepare to lead our workforces out of the crisis, the primary concern will be of security for jobs and business and safety for our people, without whom we will not succeed.

The priority of IML ANZ and the Board is to assist our Members as we begin to emerge from the immediate impact of this unprecedented pandemic. We can only do that by adapting to the current economic climate and having a realistic outlook for the remainder of the year.

The Board remains firmly committed to enabling the Institute’s vision of creating better managers and leaders – this vision remains through good times and bad. Therefore in this edition of Leading Edge, we focus on the activities that will help managers and leaders on the road to recovery. I’d particularly like to highlight the upcoming Virtual Development Day on Friday 22nd May. I’m sure you agree that now more than ever it is essential for decision-makers to be fully equipped and prepared with the skills needed to lead well. Never before have those misnamed ‘soft skills’ been harder and more needed. IML has assembled six of our very best leadership facilitators to assist managers and leaders with the challenges that lie ahead. Please join these complimentary sessions and feel free to share IML’s invitation with your friends and colleagues.

I also encourage you to participate in the Annual General Meeting on the 28th of May and vote in the current Director election. You should have received an email from the Company Secretary with instructions and information how to take part in both of these important processes. If you have not received these communications then please contact

Finally, as businesses begin to think about returning to some sort of normality, let us keep in mind that the crisis we are facing is health-related. As such, the safety of our employees will be of utmost importance in our decision-making in coming weeks and months. The mental and physical well-being of our staff has never been more important than it is now.
Leadership matters now perhaps more than at any time in the almost 80-year history of our Institute.

John Withers CMgr FIML

Chair of the Board

Office Closure

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Please note during the holiday season our offices will be closed from the 22nd of December 2023 to the 2nd of January 2024.

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