Welcome to the May edition of Leading Edge.
A hallmark of good management is anticipating changing circumstances and possessing the foresight to prepare for these events. At times like these, it is empowering as well as reassuring knowing that you are equipped with the information, capabilities and appropriate options to respond when such situations arise. That’s why in this edition of Leading Edge, I’d like to highlight just some of the ways that we as a community at IML ANZ can help each other to prepare for major management and leadership moments.
Handling challenging situations is part and parcel of taking on a management role. Therefore, it is prudent for us to prepare ourselves with the appropriate knowledge and strategies to deal with complex challenges involving our teams. So, at our next Development Day in June, we’ll take a comprehensive look at potential challenging circumstances managers face when guiding and supporting their staff through such times. Leading industry experts will guide us through crucial topics, including how to deal with problem behaviours among staff, how to help staff overcome conflict and how to manage up. As always, your access to Development Day is entirely free as an IML ANZ Member. You’ll find all the details about how to book your spot for the next Development Day in this month’s Leading Edge.
As the business landscape continues to stabilise, significant opportunities for career growth and progression have certainly increased. That is why continuing your journey as an IML ANZ Member is an excellent way to prepare for whatever the next big step of your career may be. This year, we are making your career progression our priority by supporting you with the development opportunities, resources, and community engagement you need. You will have received communications about renewing your annual Membership. I encourage you to speak with the team at IML ANZ if you are unsure about any aspects of your Membership.
For some in our community, stepping into a more demanding leadership and management role might be the major career move. Those new to management may find themselves struggling to shift from a ‘doing’ mindset to a ‘leading’ approach. One skill that could help strengthen the confidence and focus of new managers is delegation. However, we recognise that it may not be a skill that comes naturally for most professionals. So, the team has created a checklist to help managers, especially those new to their roles, master delegation skills. We took the content for this resource from our highly successful Intentional Leadership Foundations program. You might be struggling with this skill or know someone who needs help when it comes to effective delegation. I invite you to download the resource via the link in this month’s newsletter.
I want to end by thanking you for your support and encouragement during my time as your Board Chair. As I will be stepping down at this year’s Annual General Meeting this will be my final note to you as a member of the Board. It has been my absolute pleasure to serve you as an elected member on the Board and more recently as its chair. As a long term member of this organisation and as a Board member for many years, I’m impressed, and at times surprised, at how far we have come over the last few years since the national merger. We’ve enhanced IML ANZ’s relevance in the management community and are on our way to be the undisputed leader in raising the management and leadership practice standards in Australia and New Zealand.
In closing, I wish you, our Members, and the new IML ANZ Board, all the best for the future.
John Withers CMgr FIML
Chair of the Board