Develop an understanding of the science of emotions
Emotions play such an important role in the workplace. In terms of building strong relationships, developing trust and communicating effectively, everything is made more difficult given the added layer of human emotions. Understanding Emotional Intelligence and building competency and capacity in how we deal with our own emotions and the feelings of those around us, is critical to success in your role.
This IML short course develops a deeper understanding of the science of emotions and unpacks the five important factors or competencies that underpin EI. Using the results of our diagnostic tool, participants will embrace their own strengths and develop a plan for building personal EI for greater workplace effectiveness.
This Short Course is presented virtually via Zoom. However, just like a face-to-face workshop, we’ve built in opportunities to meet your facilitator, work in break-out groups and network with other participants. You’ll be expected to engage actively throughout the sessions so ensure you have a reliable internet connection, a working webcam and microphone, and the latest version of the Zoom app downloaded.
Things participants said they are likely to do better after this course:
- Be more mindful in their approach to conflicts and discussions.
- Manage their emotions better.
- Understand their own values more.
- Find more opportunities for positive compliments.
- Create a structured feedback system for themselves.
- Focus on triggers and their impact on interactions.
- Take time to evaluate before acting.
- Encourage others to share more.
- Full day virtual group session
- Dynamic small group setting where you can connect and learn from others
- Action plan and tips to implement new skills
- Resource pack
Michelle Grybaitis
Outcomes & benefits
Learning outcomes
- Understand the science of emotions
- Increase awareness of EI and the factors that underpin
- Unpack the IML EI diagnostic survey tool
- Understand positive and negative emotions
- Develop a framework for improving emotional reactions to situations
You or your employee will benefit because
- You will have a deeper understanding of your emotional intelligence and the important role it plays in building relationships and management and leadership success
Payment via credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or Amex) is required in full prior to the training session.
Enrol now
Please Note: Starting times for VIRTUAL short courses commence at 9am AEDT ( Sydney Time ) to allow for delivery across multiple states and time zones.
Course Overview
Staff at all levels
Full Day
Virtual session conducted via Zoom