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Leading Edge: April introduction from John Withers CMgr FIML, Chair of the Board

Welcome to the April edition of Leading Edge.

There’s no doubt we are all living through a time that is nothing short of extraordinary. As we watch businesses and services shut down or move online, as we need to self-isolate away from friends and family, and as we are forced to make tough decisions to keep our society safe, it can feel like our lives have been thrown into uncertainty.

These unique times bring unique challenges and I am sure we have all noted many good examples of the professionalism, courage and compassion of managers and leaders in Australia and New Zealand, as well as others who have been found wanting. As leadership professionals, the impact of COVID-19 has demanded many of us to step up to adapt and tackle adversity with new skills and knowledge we’ve never needed or utilised before.

Clearly the Board and team at IML are focusing on the challenges to ensure the organisation can weather the challenges to this business but ensure we continue to support and service our Members effectively. During this period, the Institute is prioritising support to our Members – from helping your business manage change and providing best-practice leadership strategies. Our focus is to ensure you and your organisation are empowered and equipped with the right resources to effectively navigate the serious business impacts of this crisis, and to help you facilitate a path to an effective recovery when the crisis passes.

In this edition of Leading Edge, we’ll share a few of the important initiatives we’ve implemented to assist you in leading through this period. We’ve aimed to provide a comprehensive suite of services to help managers and leaders at all levels to develop relevant and timely skill sets and expertise around crisis management. We’ve also expanded the range of free support services available to you through your Membership, so that you can get appropriate support to match your personal situation and needs. In addition our corporate consultants are developing bespoke solutions for organisations to match specific business challenges and to complement commercial responses to the pandemic. As the crisis continues to evolve, we’ll be investing in further timely and relevant services to support you and your business. If you have any requests for specific resources that we haven’t yet produced, please get in touch with our team by emailing, and we’ll do our best to create a solution for you.  

Finally, in the face of a global health emergency, I encourage you to check in with your staff and yourself regularly throughout this period. The impact of this pandemic reaches far further and deeper than our workplaces. It’s important to put a high priority on your mental and physical health and those you lead. This crisis is a crucial test for leaders at all levels, but it is also one of great opportunity for all of us to step up and embrace the challenge and opportunity it presents. There has never been a greater need in recent memory for a strong and united community of managers and leaders than right now. 

John Withers CMgr FIML

Chair of the Board

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