Brewing Success – Leader Connect Central Auckland

Brewing Success – Leader Connect South Auckland

Connect with the IML ANZ community at our next Brewing Success – Leader Connect event this month.

Grab a coffee and have a chat ‘in real life’ with fellow Members on the latest trends and practices in management and leadership.

This is a wonderful opportunity to network and meet other leaders, to discuss shared experiences of challenges and successes you’ve come across this year.  Or just a great excuse to put something social in your calendar!

We look forward to welcoming you to Brewing Success – Leader Connect.

Coffee and breakfast will be available to purchase.

Brewing Success – Leader Connect West Auckland

IML ANZ Speakers Forum – Inspirational Speaking

IML ANZ Speakers Forum – Meetings Management

IML ANZ Speakers Forum – Speaking with passion

Lead the way: How to build a high performing work culture

Lead the way: How to build a high performing work culture

Member Professional Support Network

Having a support network and remaining connected is more important than ever. The IML ANZ Member Professional Support Network is a great way for Members to connect with their peers in a safe space to share challenges in the workplace and receive support and guidance from your peers on how to overcome them.

Facilitated by Natasha Facci FIML and Sian Stephens FIML, you'll be joining a productive session that will provide you a support network that you can turn to in the face of adversity.

Sessions are intimate in size and all members are encouraged to contribute and share their thoughts, feelings, ideas and experiences.

Members are encouraged to regularly attend to maximise the value of the intitiative.

This session is open to Fellows and Chartered Managers Only.

October Business Month Combined Sessions

October Business Month Individual Session

Shaping the future of work in 2023 and beyond

Speakers Forum

Are you preparing to deliver a speech, presentation, or a pitch?  Or simply looking for the chance to practice your public speaking? 

Led by IML ANZ Members, the Speakers’ Forum provides an informal opportunity to practice your presentation skills and public speaking.  Established for over 50 years, it has long legacy of supporting the development of members’ public speaking skills in a supportive and friendly environment.

The Speakers’ Forum allows participants to practice reading, prepared speeches, impromptu speaking and chairmanship.  Fellow attendees will provide constructive feedback regarding gestures, eye contact, pace and voice modulation so Members feel encouraged and educated.  The aim is to provide everyone with a challenging, thought provoking and fun hour. We look forward to welcoming you along and encourage you to have your camera on during the session.

The Great (Virtual) Debate – Is hybrid working better for business?


A manager of managers must be a visionary, a trailblazer, a strategist, a communicator, a coach, a diplomat and a politician. In other words, they need to focus on the big picture and uphold high standards while wearing many hats. 

IML ANZ's Accelerate program enables middle managers to lead across the organisation with ease and impact. They'll learn to think and do things differently. The program will equip them with both hard skills and people skills so they can master the competencies of effective leadership.

Accelerate Virtual

A manager of managers must be a visionary‚ a trailblazer, a strategist, a communicator, a coach, a diplomat and a politician. In other words, they need to focus on the big picture and uphold high standards while wearing many hats. 

IML ANZ's Accelerate program enables middle managers to lead across the organisation with ease and impact. They'll learn to think and do things differently. The program will equip them with both hard skills and people skills so they can master the competencies of effective leadership.

Foundations of Intentional Leadership

IML ANZ’s Foundations program supports the transition from technical specialist to impactful management professional and intentional leader. Whether a newly promoted manager, mid-career leader or aspiring to a leadership role, the Foundations program is designed to develop techniques to lead a productive, motivated and engaged team.

Foundations is a blended program combining face-to-face learning, online study, leadership coaching and unlimited mentoring support post program. The learning experience is embedded using practical workplace projects to ensure realworld application and lasting impact.

Foundations of Intentional Leadership Virtual

IML ANZ’s Foundations program supports the transition from technical specialist to impactful management professional and intentional leader. Whether a newly promoted manager‚ mid-career leader or aspiring to a leadership role, the Foundations program is designed to develop techniques to lead a productive, motivated and engaged team.

Foundations is a blended program combining face-to-face learning, online study, leadership coaching and unlimited mentoring support post program. The learning experience is embedded using practical workplace projects to ensure realworld application and lasting impact.

Management Essentials

This two-day program is short and puncy, and delivers tangible results that you can use in your workplace immediately. It provides the building blocks and tools to help someone transition from an ''accidental manager'' to a more confident manager and leader. Management Essentials combines facilitated learning, online study and includes a 12-month membership to the Institute to support your transition as a manager and leader. Membership with us provides access to our award-winning mentoring program.

Management Essentials Virtual

As we transition into the new work order and manage the complexities of our current environment, mastering the fundamentals of great management and leadership is essential to guide teams successfully through periods of dynamic change. This program is designed to rapidly develop the fundamental skills required to take management and leadership capability to the next level. Essentials supports leaders to manage and lead teams in varying contexts, combining facilitated learning, online study, profiling, leadership coaching, mentoring and workplace projects for long-term real-world impact.

Build Resilience Through Change

Change is everywhere, and the rate and pace of change seems to gather momentum with each passing year. Some people relish change and seem to bounce back effortlessly from each iteration. However, constant change has a way of wearing you down and chipping away at even the most steely veneer. Understanding change, stressors and resilience is important, as is developing a framework to identify signs of strain and how we can cope when things shift. This IML short course develops an understanding of change and resilience and provides an opportunity for participants to plan ways to tackle stress with a newfound resilience built on shared knowledge and skills. 

Build Teams to Perform

Leading and developing a team has evolved significantly over the past few years. Leaders and managers and are required to drive performance in a new landscape which extends across virtual and remote locations as well as physical offices and workplaces. People skills and connection are more important than ever. This popular short course is designed to enable leaders to adapt and learn new ways to engage, manage and develop their teams across a range and mix of contemporary workplaces.

Communication Essentials

Effective communication is the backbone of effective workplace relationships and improving these skills will help you in all elements of your role. Communication is essential for delegating work, building trust and developing a high performing team.  

In this popular IML short course, you’ll learn to develop vital workplace communication skills needed to establish and maintain successful relationships inside and outside the workplace. You’ll receive practical tips and techniques that allow you to communicate with clarity, overcome barriers, wield influence and confidently convey your message to different audiences. 

Critical Conversations at Work

Workplace conversations are essential to set direction, establish goals and expectations and to harness the individual and collective effort of people. Crucial conversations often explore issues that people would rather avoid, however they are essential to maintain open and honest workplace communication and to tackle workplace issues, that if left unexplored, can have a major impact on workplace relationships and productivity. This Short Course will assist you in understanding the importance of conducting these crucial conversations, and how to best prepare for them.

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotions play such an important role in the workplace. In terms of building strong relationships, developing trust and communicating effectively, everything is made more difficult given the added layer of human emotions. Understanding Emotional Intelligence and building competency and capacity in how we deal with our own emotions and the feelings of those around us, is critical to success in your role. This IML short course develops a deeper understanding of the science of emotions and unpacks the six competencies that underpin EI. Using the results of the Genos Emotional Intelligence assessment, participants will embrace their own strengths and develop a plan for building personal EI for greater workplace effectiveness.

Lead People and Performance

Without a doubt, the most difficult role for a manager, and the one that many avoid, is managing poor performance in the workplace. Often, it's a complex web of factors but without some action, matters generally only get worse. Performance management is a hands-on process and requires a regular ongoing approach, not a traditional once or twice a year check in. This IML short course will assist in developing a consistent and disciplined approach to performance management that looks to celebrate positive achievements and deal quickly and effectively with poor performance before things get out of hand. 

Mate to Manager

One of the most difficult transitions in the workplace is the move from individual contributor to managing and leading your first team. Not only does your title change but your perspective on work needs to shift as you become responsible and accountable for the performance and behaviours of a group of people. You also take on the responsibility of upholding your organisation's values, standards and codes of conduct. The Mate to Manager short course will give you the knowledge and skills to move from being an accidental manager to an intentional leader. You will learn the responsibilities associated with being an intentional leader, build a positive team culture and how to manage team members who are also your friends.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Despite the advancement of artificial intelligence and automation, the World Economic forum continues to flag the importance of critical thinking, problem solving and decision making as skills of the future.   This virtual short course will consider the role that creative and critical thought play in the problem-solving process and examines how great decisions are made based on the consideration given to information gathered through this process.   

Self Leadership: Develop Brand You

A “brand” is quite literally a recognisable mark that distinguishes a seller's good or service from those of other sellers. Big brands surround us and millions of dollars are spent by marketers each year promoting the benefits of products and services. But have you ever stopped to consider your own brand and how you might stand out from the crowd?

This IML short course looks at the components of a brand and asks you to consider what your brand is now, what you would like it to be and importantly, how to bridge that gap. The workshop also looks at networking as a means of promoting your brands and concludes with a focus on understanding resilience and wellbeing in an effort to protect your valuable brand 

Think on Your Feet

Learn the skills you need to visualise and organise your thoughts quickly, communicate effectively under pressure, convey your ideas clearly and think on your feet faster. This training course will teach you to employ strategies to stay cool under pressure and help you learn the techniques to structure communications which are suited to any situation, enabling you to articulate and deliver your message clearly and concisely.

Think on Your Feet® is an international course that has run in Australia for over 20 years. Its focus is to build skills, knowledge and confidence in participants wanting to enhance their ability to communicate key messages.

Time and Priority Management

We all feel like we need more time in our day. What you really need is to take control and focus your efforts on what matters most. Time management is essential for all roles and levels of responsibility. This course will give you the skills and techniques to make better decisions and prioritise your work so you can be more effective with your time in the workplace.

You will learn how to ensure your priorities are aligned with your organisation’s purpose and strategic direction. This will allow you to focus on the tasks that really matter. You will also learn techniques to manage distractions and resolve competing priorities to enable you to become more productive in the workplace. As another benefit, our Time management frameworks can also be applied to your personal life outside of work.

People Matters

Designed by the Queensland Public Sector Commission (PSC), People Matters supports public sector leaders in building confidence and practical skills in managing and leading people and teams. Participants will develop a deeper self-awareness of behaviour and leadership styles, forming the foundation for improving relationships and understanding and growing team dynamics.

People Matters Virtual

Designed by the Queensland Public Sector Commission (PSC), People Matters supports public sector leaders in building confidence and practical skills in managing and leading people and teams. Participants will develop a deeper self-awareness of behaviour and leadership styles, forming the foundation for improving relationships and understanding and growing team dynamics.