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Leading internationally capable organisations

This month Insight Edge is looking at the international dimensions of leadership.

We live in a global village and operate in a global economy. eCommerce has made reaching international customers a norm, even for small and cottage-industry scale businesses. Asia’s growing middle classes are seen as the next big business opportunity. Brexit may fuel a greater interest in Australian goods, services and talent. When it comes to business, there are fewer and fewer cases where leadership can be without intentional dimensions.

Australia’s businesses are optimistic. Seventy-eight per cent plan to do business in additional overseas markets over the next two years. China, US, India, UK and Indonesia are the top new target markets, according to Austrade. Sixty-three percent of the Australian workforce are interested in the opportunities that working overseas offers.

Successful international leadership is not just about experience working in another market. A nationwide survey by the Export Council of Australia (ECA) found that dependability, reliability, honesty and a willingness to network were among the most important leadership capabilities for international success.

This month’s edition of Insight Edge looks at

Did you take our Career journey flash survey?

Last month, we asked what has had the most impact developing your technical and management skills.

The results told us that formal training has been the most instrumental factor in the development of people’s technical and management skills. The largest difference in the development of technical and management skills was seen in the use of a mentor, with over 22% believing their mentor had helped develop their management skills as opposed to only 6% for technical skills.

Outside of the workplace most people agreed that qualifications and networking had been the most effective factors in developing their careers.

This month, take our five minute flash survey on working internationally. Our flash surveys are brought to you by AIM’s Emerging Leaders Advisory Board.


The Insight Edge podcast is proving a successful way for Members to learn about leadership from the Australian Institute of Management.

This month we start our four part series on International Leadership with an interview with Megan Mulia, Director of Education and Research at Asialink Business. She explains the 11 Critical Capabilities leaders must build to enable their organisations to take advantage of the Asian century. Listen here online, or subscribe to the full series on iTunes, here.

Editor, Insight Edge

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