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Lead the way: Redefine how you navigate change and uncertainty

The world of work has changed and is continuing to transform as we grapple with significant factors affecting our people, including the cost-of-living increases; managing the hybrid work environment; new codes of conduct regarding the de-risking and management of psychosocial hazards, just to name a few.

How we lead ourselves and others through uncertainty will determine the health of our organisations, which is a critical success factor in the seemingly never-ending war for talent. Burnt out and exhausted leaders can’t perform effectively, so change must start with ourselves; and only then can we role model what we require from others.

Join us for this insightful webinar, as Clare Edwards FIML from BrainSmart People Development shares her neuroscience-based knowledge and lived experience of leading through change with the following outcomes in mind:

  • How the world has changed – uncovering the new expectations of the workforce on their leaders;
  • Identifying the predictable dynamics of human change;
  • Leading self-first – the non-negotiables; and
  • Social leadership – using knowledge of six core human needs to guide others through challenge and change.


Clare Edwards


Clare Edwards


Principal, BrainSmart People Development

Short Bio

Clare Edwards FIML is Principal of BrainSmart People Development, a boutique consultancy committed to enabling people to work smarter, lead better, build great teams and thrive in change. She has been an avid student of the Neuroscience of Leadership and Change for over 10 years and uses practical, evidence-based neuroscience knowledge to help her clients understand their amazing brains and uses this knowledge to develop themselves and others.

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