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Leading Edge: November introduction from John Withers CMgr FIML, Chair of the Board

Welcome to the special ‘Chartered Edition’ of Leading Edge.

I’m delighted to say that IML ANZ’s Chartered Manager designation is continuing to gain momentum across Australia and New Zealand. November’s Leading Edge highlights the importance of becoming Chartered, the impact our designation has on the workplace and how IML ANZ Chartered Members are redefining the standard of leadership excellence.

Our Institute has always been driven to support the development of leadership skills because we know that managers and leaders make decisions that impact people’s lives in ways that are felt far beyond the workplace. The work we do to raise the national standard of management and leadership is central to this vision.

As leaders we know that there is no better feeling than contributing to worthwhile goals. Perhaps the pinnacle of our work in advancing professional standards is best represented by Chartered Managers. The designation continues to be at the centre of our Membership offering. As we are the only professional body that can award this globally recognised accreditation to managers in the region, it is a crucial element in promoting management and leadership excellence. As the highest status that managers can achieve, it truly embodies our commitment to the leadership profession.

While many of us prepare to wind down next month, I encourage you to consider this time as an opportunity to reflect on your own contribution and commitment to your profession, and perhaps to solidify that dedication through the Chartered Manager accreditation. There is no better time to apply for this honour than now as we look back on our successes and prepare for future endeavours.

When I went through the Chartered Manager accreditation process, although the actual procedure was relatively straightforward, it required me to think quite deeply about my own practice and reflect on my own leadership style and importantly what I was actually achieving in a much broader sense. In particular, the influence I had on my teams in the various leadership roles I had at the time, including the military, and public and community sectors. This self-reflection I found to be somewhat confronting but equally incredibly rewarding and worthwhile. So it was quite a different process in many ways. There are no lectures, classes or examinations – just a pragmatic reflection on your leadership journey and excellent support throughout the process.

Indeed, Chartered Managers don’t just accelerate their careers; they also enrich the performance of their organisations. Research by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) in the UK found that 91% of Chartered Managers see the designation as proof of their ability to deliver results. The research valued the additional contribution of a Chartered Manager at an average of $650,000 in added value to the company.

The Chartered designation is built around 34 key leadership competencies that comprise the Institute’s Competency Framework. This framework is the same practical model that drives IML ANZ’s learning and development products and services. In fact, some of our most popular Intentional
Leadership Programs
– including Foundations and Accelerate – set local leaders on the pathway to Chartered Manager.

If you are looking to gain recognition and reward for your contribution to the management and leadership profession, I encourage you to consider becoming a Chartered Manager. The designation has transformed the lives and careers of thousands of leadership professionals and the organisations they lead by raising the standard of management.

At the heart of our resolve to create better managers and leaders, I am inspired to see how IML ANZ Members have contributed to this throughout our 80-year history.

Today, Chartered Manager represents the peak of the Institute’s vision, mission and purpose. The value of our profession rests not on the authority or status we possess, but in the positive impact we make on those around us. Let’s continue to raise the standards of management and leadership. This is our contribution to a better society.

As we come to the end of this most unusual year, I want to invite you all to reflect on and celebrate our achievements as managers and leaders at our virtual IML ANZ end of year celebration on December 10. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from the Institute about our successes in 2020, and what to look forward to in the new year. We hope you can join us.

John Withers CMgr FIML

Chair of the Board

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